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Do you know which is the best technique to solve the 7 differences game really fast? To wait till tomorrow when I'll publish the solution. But, if you wanna try it on your own, let's go!
Ok, it's been only two months since she gave birth, but or she has problems with the thyroid or she's eaten many Doughnuts.
This is Jessica Simpson in a photo taken this week. She was going to the gym because she has a 4 million-dollars contract with Weight Watchers to go back to her previous weight in not very much time.
No all photographers look for hot and beautiful girls. Some go further and look for something more deep. Photographers who try to capture the soul, the spirit, the inner... tell a story. Julian Baker, for example. The girl on the photo is the prettiest I've found in his website, but Julian's work is still worth it.
Surf with the links on the left menu in order to view all the photos in his site.
Nathen Atia has uploaded a video to his vimeo account titled "Seren". It's only 50 seconds long, but it shows Seren Gibson, a young girl you'll want to know more about.
Sarah Harvey is an English paintor born in 1981 who received the visit of Ms. Inspiration in 2003 when she was in front of a pool with a greenish water.
Since then, and with an awesome realism, Sarah has been painting that image again and again... With its colours, its light, the water, the abstraction, the isolation, the sensuality...
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Yep, I know we're in summer, but I don't wanna keep this until Christmas. Xmas Cards.
Perfect Holiday, that's how Karimrejeb has titled a video recorded in stop motion, in which we can see an original scene of some Playmobil figures surfing.
SmugOne is a graffiti artist who lives in the Scotish city of Glasgow. He has many photorealistic works, but I, of course, bring you the most sensual.
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Update: And talking about graffitis, some days ago I saw on TV the Belin Mural at Kat Von D's High Voltage Tattoo. It's awesome! Unbelievable!
I've found an amateur video of the mural, you can watch it here.
And finishing this post, what do you think about this 3D Super Mario?
How many times have you found a shit in the middle of the street and you've damned its owner? Look what happened in Russia with a girl who didn't want to pick the shit up...
Hilo Chen is an American of Taiwanese origin who, after studying Architectural Engineering, decided to move to NY and exploit his skills of photorealistic paintor, focusing his work in the woman's body.