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The only problem about perceiving a distorted reality is that it usually creates conflict with those who see the reality in a different way.
But, who are the wrong ones? The ones in minority? The majority always is right? Think about how many millions of flies do like shit...
In China, a woman gets into a taxi, and the driver tries to convince her to get out, but things quickly spiral out of control. Amid shouting and aggressive gestures, the woman starts undressing and eventually ends up dancing on top of the car. A crowd gathers, watches, records… but no one steps in. Not the taxi driver, not the bystanders, not even the authorities. The video has several cuts, and what starts in daylight eventually turns into night. We don’t know how long she was there, but one thing is clear—no one wanted to be the first to act.
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I recognize that the planet is changing and that human activity has had a significant impact in certain areas, such as habitat loss and species extinction—consequences of relentless expansion. However, I believe climate change has become a global pretext to manipulate the masses and justify a social and economic shift that benefits certain elites and economic powers, especially in Europe.
The climate narrative, partly based on real issues, is designed to generate social consensus and promote a new economic model that favors large renewable energy and electric corporations. Europe, as a major driver of this transition, seeks to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels from regions like the Middle East or Russia.
I don’t think politicians or elites are genuinely interested in saving the planet; their real focus is on consolidating power, money, and influence. This is all part of a strategic agenda that uses climate change as a tool to restructure the economy and exert greater social control. It’s a well-orchestrated charade that exaggerates or manipulates the issue to shape society according to their interests.
I don’t deny that the planet is changing or that real environmental problems exist—it’s been changing since the beginning of time—but I’m convinced that this narrative is primarily used to benefit a select few and steer us toward a shift that has less to do with saving the world and more to do with keeping power in the hands of those who already have it.
And then there are the useful idiots—the perfect pawns of a much larger scheme they don’t even understand. They believe they’re changing the world while being exploited by those who truly profit from all of this. They’re always ready to "save the planet" with their gestures and actions that, far from contributing anything, are merely attention-seeking. They’re convinced that vandalizing or disrupting people’s daily lives makes them heroes.
A perfect example: two elderly women vandalizing Charles Darwin’s tomb. Nothing like destroying the legacy of a scientist who dedicated his life to understanding nature. And they get away with it, with no security stepping in to stop them.
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For decades, conspiracy theories have suggested that the true power on our planet might not be human. According to these ideas, the global elites controlling governments, corporations, and the world’s economic system are, in fact, alien entities disguised as humans.
Supporters of this hypothesis claim that these creatures have goals far beyond what we can imagine. Some believe they are here to exploit our natural resources quietly and systematically, using humanity as a disposable tool. Others think we are part of a cosmic experiment—a massive social laboratory where extraterrestrials study our reactions, conflicts, and technological evolution. There are even those who suggest that our civilization is nothing more than entertainment for these superior intelligences, as if we were an intergalactic reality show.
Among the most widespread theories are those claiming that these aliens can use our bodies to blend in with us, manipulating politics and the economy from the shadows. It’s often said that these entities hold key positions of power globally and may even use advanced technology to influence our collective decisions, keeping us distracted with conflicts and entertainment.
These ideas aren’t new; from ancient myths of gods walking among men to modern tales of abductions and extraterrestrial contacts, there has always been a fascination with the possibility that we are not alone at the top of the evolutionary pyramid. What has changed is the focus: while ancient stories spoke of gods and demigods, today’s theorists point to beings that are more technological than divine, with capabilities that challenge our scientific understanding.
Do we truly know those who govern us? Is it possible that something bigger is operating behind the scenes? And what if we are just a small part of a plan we cannot comprehend?
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A video has sparked controversy in Pakistan, showing the assistant commissioner of Sadiqabad leading a crackdown on illegal parking. The footage captures him and his team puncturing the tires of motorcycles and cars parked in violation of traffic rules. The online backlash was swift, with many calling the action excessive and unfair, particularly for low-income motorists.
But before we get outraged, we should ask ourselves: is it really that different from what happens in the West? Here, they don’t slash your tires, but they fine you—and if you’re unlucky, they tow your car away, leaving you stranded and forcing you to pay to get it back. In many cases, the total cost of that ordeal can be even higher than fixing a punctured tire.
ExtraBall by david
The slow-motion moment of the day.
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When you see things like this, you can’t help but think the world’s already gone to hell. Not that it’s going to, no—it’s been there for a while now. Seriously? What exactly are you expecting with lilac? A Tinky Winky?
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Activists are no longer limiting themselves to blocking highways or vandalizing museum artworks. A new wave of protests has moved into supermarket aisles, expanding the scope of their actions. These "supermarket activists" choose the comfort of a roof and heating over braving the elements.
Unlike traditional demonstrations aimed at large corporations or public institutions, these activists focus their efforts on everyday shoppers. With plenty of free time, they dedicate themselves to causing inconvenience, ignoring repeated requests from frustrated customers who just want to shop in peace.
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