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Phone booths, swimming pools, buses... any place becomes an impromptu ring when someone decides it’s time to throw a few punches. It seems that when people get bored, creativity flourishes, and even fights adapt to new, often ridiculous, settings. From getting smacked around in the tight space of a phone booth to splashing punches in a pool, "innovation" finds its way into conflict. Because when boredom strikes, some people reinvent even the art of throwing down.
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In a supermarket in Sinop, Brazil, a man struck the manager with a shovel after his wife, an employee at the store, complained about not getting any days off. The attack was caught on video, showing how the manager, who was standing with his back turned while talking on the phone, was hit from the side. The impact was partially absorbed by the device, but he still suffered a significant head injury. Other employees managed to subdue the attacker, who was arrested and now faces attempted homicide charges.
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The Drunken Master is an iconic 1978 martial arts film starring Jackie Chan that blends kung fu with comedy. In it, Jackie plays Wong Fei-Hung, a young man who masters the fighting style known as "Drunken Monkey Fist." This style is characterized by unpredictable, fluid, and seemingly erratic movements that mimic the behavior of a drunk person to confuse opponents.
In the movie, Wong Fei-Hung drinks alcohol before fighting. The alcohol helps him appear more relaxed and uninhibited, reinforcing the idea that his strength lies in fully embracing the "drunken" essence. By dulling his pain and enabling unpredictable moves, he disarms his enemies both physically and psychologically.
Big stores are to exhibitionists what Las Vegas is to gamblers.
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For many, friendships are born at work. Spending so many hours together inevitably strengthens personal bonds. That’s why this video of two nightclub bouncers, locked in a firm embrace, holding onto each other while delivering a beating to a drunk, didn’t shock me—instead, it filled me with a deep sense of brotherhood and camaraderie.
Because true friendship isn’t just built over laughter and beers. It’s forged in moments of perfect synchronization, when you anticipate your partner’s moves without a word, when you know that no matter what happens, you have someone by your side you can trust to land well-coordinated punches.
My brain when I’m facing a problem and I ask myself to focus.
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Some people turn a minor incident into something much worse simply because they can’t control their anger. Instead of acting calmly or letting things go, they overreact. This lack of restraint clearly shows that not everyone understands what living in a society entails.
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