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In this version of feudal Japan, the apes have not only developed intelligence but also mastered combat and stealth. Warrior apes wielding katanas, ninja apes disappearing into the trees, all living within a hierarchical society similar to the clan system the samurai once knew.
The battle for honor and survival breaks out between the few remaining humans and the apes, who see them as inferior beings, mere wild beasts. In this alternate Japan, the war is not just one of steel and skill, but of ancient strategies and deep-rooted traditions, where codes of honor clash with a new law imposed by the primates.
Thus begins the samurai version of "Planet of the Apes", where human warriors must fight not only for their lives but for their place in a world where humanity is no longer the dominant species.
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When the martial arts school offers a special deal to attract older ladies.
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Shepherd dogs are animals that help men herd sheep, goats and other farm animals. There are two kinds of shepherd dogs, guard dogs, which are supposed to protect herds from the attack of wolves and other predators, and the dogs that only dedicate to guiding and controlling the herd in their routes.
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Envy is really bad. When someone feels envious of what someone else has, they might be tempted to harm that possession or even the person who has it. It's important to handle envy in a constructive way, acknowledging the feelings it brings up and seeking healthy ways to deal with them, like cultivating gratitude for what we have and focusing on our own goals and achievements. We should promote a culture of mutual support and celebration of others' successes, as that helps to reduce feelings of envy in a community.
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They say piranhas usually don't attack people because we're not part of their diet. In other words, if you bathe in an area with piranhas, they might not come near you, but of course, it's a risk. Just sensing blood, feeling threatened, or being hungry or disoriented can make one bite you, and if they sense you're soft and draw blood, you won't make it out alive.
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Can you imagine swapping the snow and sled for a mountain bike and solid ground? That's exactly what some adventurers have done by merging the world of mushing (dog sledding) with mountain biking. This sport, known as "bikejoring," involves one or more dogs pulling a bike instead of a sled, bringing the thrill of the sport to non-snowy terrains and adapting the experience to mountain trails and dirt paths.
Bikejoring is not only an adrenaline rush for the cyclist but also an excellent workout for the dogs, who enjoy the speed and the outdoors while working in sync with their owner. With specially designed harnesses that allow the dogs to run freely and a proper attachment system to the bike for control, this discipline has become increasingly popular among outdoor sports enthusiasts.
That being said, be extra cautious if there are trees along the route.
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In the animal kingdom, size doesn't always determine bravery. There are small animals that, despite their diminutive size, face much larger and more dangerous predators with courage. These brave beings manage to intimidate their enemies and, in many cases, escape unscathed.
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When you go to an eastern country and among its excursions there's the typical one of going to a temple or a forest full of monkeys, forget about it. Don't go. Screw the damn monkeys. Monkeys are the bandits of the animal kingdom, the hoodlums, the thugs. If they don't steal from you, they'll bite you, throw crap at you, or start screwing on top of your head. Go see monkeys at the zoo. Locked up in cages. From a distance. Never trust them.
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