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Published on 2021/03/16


The most criticized individuals in children's stories are undoubtedly the wolves. All of them end up swept off the map: Little Red Riding Hood's wolf at the hands of the woodcutter, the wolf of the Three Little Pigs burned in the cauldron, and the wolf from the tale The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats who ended up in the river with a belly full of rocks.
And what about the female wolves? If we kill all the male wolves, what happens to the females?

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ExtraBall by GodBlessBiGirls
Police brutality?

➡️ Let's do real, be real with Tantaly, the sex doll torso leader

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When you meet someone at a club, the difference between exchanging numbers or hooking up on the spot comes down to chemistry and expectations. Some people prefer to play it safe, taking things slow and continuing to connect outside the club’s atmosphere. Others, however, let the intensity and passion of the moment take over, diving straight into the heat of it.

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- Weren’t Mondays supposed to be 'Pizza Mondays'?

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Voodoo dolls, made from various materials, are said to be linked to the spirit of a specific person. The belief is that whatever is done to the doll will happen to the person it represents.

References to these dolls often appear in literature or movies, where they are used in black magic rituals. In such rituals, needles are stuck into specific parts of the doll’s body, or it’s subjected to some form of torture to inflict the same pain or curse on the person connected to it.

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In the Middle Ages, masturbation was considered a serious sin by the Church, and monks had rather extreme methods to avoid it. Some would sleep with iron gloves lined with spikes to make any nocturnal attempt painful. Others, following the advice of theologian Saint Peter Damian in the 11th century, slept with their arms crossed over their chests or even tied their hands to resist temptation.

It was also believed that certain foods, such as red meat and spices, increased "lust," so monks followed very restricted diets based on bread, legumes, and fish to suppress any sexual urges.

While these ideas may seem extreme today, their influence still lingers. Even after centuries, sex and masturbation remain taboo topics in many countries where Christianity has played a major role. In many ways, the stigma surrounding sexuality today has its roots in that era. As the saying goes: you reap what you sow.

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Let this video be a reminder that, today, Monday, February 10, 2025, everything has changed.

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Everyone starts the day however they want, however they know, or however they can. The news, for example, starts the day with bad news. News programs feed on bad news because they know bad news brings in viewers. At ALRNCN, we have a different philosophy. At ALRNCN, we start the day in a different way.

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- I had a really weird dream last night.
- Yeah? What did you dream about?
- I don’t know, man, it was all just so crazy.

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javi, walter, david
In 2009, Japanese man Masanobu Sato set the world record for the longest wank at San Francisco’s Masturbate-a-thon. He lasted 9 hours and 33 minutes. Not satisfied with that, he came back in 2011 and broke his own record with 9 hours and 58 minutes. Almost 10 hours non-stop, without giving up.

If this story proves anything, it's that when faced with a challenge, you have to tackle it with determination and commitment. After all, who hasn’t struggled with a wank that just wouldn’t end?

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Saved by the Chat.

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javi, david, walter
Tibetan tantric monks have mastered the art of achieving orgasms without ejaculation through advanced techniques of muscle control, breathing, and meditation. Instead of letting the body act automatically, they learn to contract the pelvic floor muscles at the precise moment, preventing semen from being expelled. They believe that by doing so, they preserve their "vital energy" and redirect it within the body, supposedly gaining longevity and mental clarity. In some cases, the semen doesn’t just disappear—it’s either reabsorbed or redirected to the bladder to be expelled later with urine.

A perfect trick for that late-night session when you forgot to grab tissues.

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Red Devil.

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