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Twitch is a live streaming platform for sharing gameplays online... You connect and you can broadcast or see how others play. The gamers can get tips or micropayments from their fans. One of these gamers, Trainwreck, has been temporarily banned because he insulted other female users of the platform, calling them whores, bitches and other things. Apparently, Trainwreck's very mad because he says female gamers are using their physical attributes to attract users, stealing visibility from the other gamers who try to get visits and money out of their dedication, experience and know-how.
He denounces Twitch has become a camgirls platform and that's gonna destroy the service and Twitch's quality...
I've been searching on Youtube for videos starring girls from Twitch and... well, yes, we can say they have a big advantage... but life's like this... maybe the competition isn't good for you, but it's certainly for the service and its quality.
Amanda is one of those people who lives life to the fullest, always chasing her next adventure. A lover of cats, coffee, and music, her profile is full of “moments” that’ll make you want to dive into her world.
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Anastasia is one of those rare individuals who knows how to transform beauty and sensuality into pure art. Through her profile, she shares photos and videos brimming with aesthetics and eroticism, all created according to her inspiration and mood. If you’re into authentic, passion-filled content, her profile is a must-see.
Mozart Piano Sonata No. 11 A major, K. 331.
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Developing and improving artificial intelligence is undoubtedly one of humanity's most ambitious acts. We position ourselves as creators, capable of designing systems that mimic (and, in some cases, surpass) human abilities. This achievement has a divine touch: giving "life" to something that didn’t exist before. But are we really playing God, or are we simply following our natural instinct as curious and creative beings?
The analogy of playing God isn’t new. In many mythologies, gods created life and endowed it with superior abilities, but there were always unforeseen consequences. Something similar happens with AI: we want it to be smarter, faster, and more efficient, but we don’t always know the cost.
Moments that make you believe in Christmas.
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ExtraBall2 (Clicking on these links daily you support ALRNCN's work. They're collaborators or sponsors and, by visiting their sites, they like us even more)
Faby and Carlo are a married couple of photographers who share a deep passion for erotic photography, an art form that allows them to explore sensuality and intimacy from a unique perspective. Faby is an idealistic, creative, and slightly chaotic woman who approaches photography with a fresh and daring outlook. She's also a mom, which adds a touch of tenderness and determination to her personality. She loves challenges and, while she can be a bit stubborn at times, her enthusiasm is infectious.
On the other hand, Carlo is a determined and persistent man with a strong leadership personality that perfectly complements his almost feminine sensitivity. His talent for organizing and bringing structure to Faby's chaos is one of the keys to their success as a team. Carlo has a unique ability to capture not just the essence but also the soul of people and their stories in his photos, revealing details other photographers might miss. Together, Faby and Carlo form an unstoppable duo where passion, creativity, and technique blend seamlessly in every shot.
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Maia is a 19-year-old passionate about anime and video games. Her profile has become a common and repetitive pattern among the young women of this generation, where interests in otaku culture, virtual worlds, and constant connection with technology define much of their identities.
But it doesn’t stop there. In an era where online exposure is the norm, many young women find social media not only as a space to share their interests but also as a place to explore and showcase their bodies to strangers. Platforms like OnlyFans or private-leaning livestreams have given rise to an increasingly normalized phenomenon where the personal and intimate become content available to all.
It’s a curious duality: the hyperconnected, creative generation that loves imaginary worlds is also the one erasing boundaries between public and private, constantly redefining the concepts of intimacy and personal expression. Maia, like many her age, is a reflection of these times, where traditional interests merge with new ways of interacting and exposing oneself in a barrier-free digital world.
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