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Die Antwoord released a new music video, but this time they decided not to publish it on Youtube because they weren't sure it would comply with the guidelines... The line's still the same, but this time it's hotter...
And today, on "Pretty girls I'd like to give all my love to and their Instagram accounts", Tiffany Toth.
In order to get one of the exclusive places in the music conservatory, you must take a test at the level of the position you want to occupy, so naturally you have to spend months preparing, rehearsing, working, focused solely and exclusively on fulfilling the promise that you made to your mother in her deathbed. Nothing can distract her, nothing can disturb her. Or almost nothing.
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Megan Thee Stallion pays homage to Japanese cinema in her new music video "Mamushi," a collaboration with rapper Yuki Chiba. This track, part of her latest album and her first work as an independent artist, has emerged as the breakout song of the album, gaining widespread popularity and attracting new fans.
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Lennie Simo has an incredible sense of rhythm. But instead of playing drums, his instruments are a table, a couple of pens, and his own cheek. Watch as Lennie grooves his way through the 12345678 challenge, nailing every beat and adding some impressive touches along the way. His collaboration with the Jabbawockeez dance crew is on another level too.
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The typical friend who messes with you and then backs down at the first opportunity.
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Waali is a Chilean beatboxer who sounds like he's got a mixing team behind him. These snippets are from his recent participation in a Tokyo championship.
When you put on your lucky shirt to go to the office and end up hooking up with the head accountant that same afternoon.
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Megan Thee Stallion has released "Boa," her latest single and the third snake-themed track from her upcoming album (following "HISS" in January and "Cobra" in November 2023). Announced through a series of Instagram posts, the music video shows Megan immersed in a fictional game called Curse of the Serpent Woman, where she appears in real life to kill her friends after they die in the game. Produced by LilJuMadeDaBeat, the song includes a sample of Gwen Stefani's hit "What You Waiting For?" and reflects Megan's love for anime culture.
It's a music video with a very cool and daring aesthetic. More from the past decade than from this one, so puritanical and prim. A perfect 10 for Megan.
I forgot to share these photos of Emily at the Met Gala 2K24 (You can click on the images to see them in larger size and appreciate the details).
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