SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGEdavid, javi, smm, sosuke, walter
In the Middle Ages, masturbation wasn’t just seen as a moral taboo or a sin; it was shrouded in an almost supernatural fear. Many people lived in constant dread of being watched by divine or demonic forces, as it was believed that demons encouraged such practices to steer souls away from God. Religious narratives reinforced the idea that masturbating was a way of “inviting” the devil into your life, potentially leading to eternal damnation. This fear wasn’t only spiritual but also social, as being labeled "impure" could isolate you or subject you to public judgment.
Now, while the figure of the devil is no longer the main source of fear for most, a new “hell” seems to have taken its place: social stigma. Masturbation remains a topic that, though more normalized in some circles, still generates shame, discomfort, or ridicule in others. Today, the fear isn’t about being condemned by God or possessed by a demon—it’s about facing society’s judgment.
For example, the fear of being labeled a “jerk-off” or having personal habits exposed leads many to hide normal aspects of their sexuality. On social media, cancel culture or cruel memes can become a modern hell, where public humiliation replaces divine punishment. In this sense, social pressure acts as the new “devil,” while collective rejection or shame are the flames of the hell we now fear.
Ironically, both in the Middle Ages and today, these fears limit our ability to speak openly about something so human and natural. The difference lies in who enforces the control: in the past, it was the Church and fear of divine punishment; now, it’s society itself, through unwritten social and digital norms.
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Straight to hell.
NENA FOXY GETS A CREAMPIE FOR CHRISTMASChristmas has come and gone, and one of the most common questions during the season is, "What did Santa, Father Christmas, or the Three Wise Men bring you?" Beforehand, we make our wish lists and wait with anticipation to see what we’ll receive if we’ve been good.
It seems that
Nena Foxyhas been a very good girl, as she asked for a nice cock to satisfy her and a creamy ending to top it off. All of this, of course, while her cuckold husband recorded the whole thing.
Here’s the video where you can see the generous gifts this woman received.
Loverfans, you’ll find more videos featuring our protagonist or many other women who can fulfill all your sexual fantasies. Christmas may be over, but there’s still time to get more gifts.
Good morning!